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Først av alt, hvis det ikke blir sånn "velkommen etter" så kan jeg anbefale en Android app med ELM327 Bluetooth adapter som heter Carly for Mercedes, tror det er eneste mobil app som gir en uttømmende rapport med mulighet for resetting av alle feil, på lik linje med Star, trodde Torque pro var bra, men den blir leketøy i forhold.


Testet 63 ECU'er på bilen, og fikk frem denne rapporten,


Så ser det ut som jeg må bytte styringsenheten på kassa, artig, for akkurat det samme måtte jeg gjøre på min gamle S210 rett etter at jeg fikk den.

Er det noen som vet om det lar seg gjøre å bytte enkelt speed sensorer i kassa?

Se feilkode:


Transmission Control:

  ETC - Electronic transmission control (MB: 0034464110)

      Input / Turbine Speed Sensor B Circuit No Signal

        Code: OBD00 P2767




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Fant en utfyllende forklaring på denne feilkoden:



Input/Turbine Speed SensorB Circ No Signal



The PCM has received an input signal from the engine (turbine) speed sensor that is either irrational, erratic, or in some way incorrect. Without a usable input speed signal the transmission cannot provide a proper shift strategy. The term “Sensor B” refers to a particular input speed sensor in systems that utilize multiple sensors. Consult the manufacturer’s service manual (or equivalent) for the exact location of this particular sensor.


Code Set Parameters


While code setting parameters vary between manufacturers, most PCMs are programmed to expect input speed to increase gradually (and not to exceed output speed) until a shift point is reached. If input speed fails to increase gradually or if the PCM receives an erratic signal (or no signal at all) a code will be stored and a malfunction indicator may be illuminated. Some models may require multiple failure cycles in order for a malfunction indicator lamp to be illuminated.




The most noticeable symptoms may include a harsh shift, failure to shift, a decrease in fuel economy, the speedometer may fluctuate wildly or fail to operate, the engine may stall when coming to a stop, engine misfire, sag, stall, or hesitation, a stored code, and possibly an illuminated service engine soon lamp. An output speed sensor code often accompanies this code, as well. In some rare cases there may be no adverse symptoms noticed at all.


Common Causes


The most common causes of this code being stored are due to a defective input speed sensor or output speed sensor. Other common causes include shorted, open, corroded, or damaged wiring circuits or connectors, faulty shift solenoid/s, defective engine drivability sensors (especially the engine temperature sensor), dirty or contaminated transmission fluid that restricts flow, defective valve body, a faulty PCM. PCM failure is rare.


Common Misdiagnosis


Mistakes range from attempting to diagnose this type of code as a vehicle speed malfunction, an internal transmission problem, an engine misfire, fuel delivery problem, or a driveline malfunction. Technicians report that unnecessary vehicle speed sensor replacement is the result of one particularly common misdiagnosis.




A scanner (or code reader), a digital volt/ohmmeter, and possibly an oscilloscope will be helpful in diagnosing this code. Most OBD-II equipped automobiles utilize an input/turbine speed sensor to provide the PCM with an input speed signal

On most models the sensor either threads directly into the transmission housing or is mounted to the exterior of the transmission housing using bolts

The sensor is of the electro magnetic design and uses a reluctor ring (or a specialized set of splines) on the input shaft as reference points

As the input shaft is turned (by the engine) the electro magnetic input/turbine speed sensor uses the spaces between the splines to provide voltage signal interruptions in the circuit

These interruptions are received by the PCM as square waveform patterns of varying degrees of voltage and translated into engine (turbine) input speed

The PCM then compares input speed data with output speed data to determine shift patterns, as well as certain engine drivability functions. The typical input/turbine speed sensor uses a three-wire connector but check the vehicle manufacturer’s wiring diagram to confirm the specific design of the vehicle in question

The first wire is a reference voltage signal (usually 5-volts), the second wire will normally be a ground wire, and the third wire will be a signal wire

As the reluctor ring passes by the electro magnetic sensor, the 5-volt reference signal is completed with the protruding metal surfaces

The recessed surfaces of the reluctor provide voltage interruptions and these interruptions are input to the PCM via the signal wire

Begin your diagnosis with a visual inspection of system wiring, connectors, and components

Repair or replace any open, shorted, damaged, or corroded items as required and retest the system to make sure that repairs were successful

Pay particular attention to wiring and connectors that have been contaminated due to engine oil or transmission fluid leaks, burned on hot exhaust pipes, or damaged due to road debris. If the system wiring, connectors, and components appear to be in normal working order, connect the scanner to the diagnostic connector and record all stored trouble codes and freeze frame data

This information can be extremely helpful in diagnosing intermittent conditions that may have contributed to this code being stored

After the codes are cleared, operate the vehicle to see if the code returns

If the code fails to immediately return, you may have an intermittent condition

Intermittent conditions can prove to be quite a challenge to diagnose and in extreme cases may have to be allowed to worsen before a correct diagnosis can be made

If the code immediately returns, check for reference voltage and ground signals at the input speed sensor

If either the reference voltage or ground circuits are open, use the digital volt/ohmmeter to check for continuity (disconnect all related control modules from the circuit before checking circuit resistance or controller damage may occur) and resistance in both circuits

Repair or replace system circuits/connectors as required and retest the system to ensure that repairs were successful. Using the manufacturer’s wiring diagram for the input speed sensor, test all related circuits and the sensor for resistance and continuity and compare your findings with manufacturer’s specifications

Repair or replace system circuitry, connectors, and/or components that fail to coincide with manufacturer’s specs

Always retest the system to ensure a successful repair. If all system circuits are intact, connect the oscilloscope and observe live input speed sensor data

Watch for glitches or “soft spots” in the wave form pattern and repair or replace system circuitry, connectors, or components as required. If all circuits coincide with manufacturer’s specifications, and the waveform pattern is within acceptable limits, suspect a defective PCM

Remember that PCM failure is rare and replacement will require reprogramming.

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Du slipper å ta ned kassa for å bytte plastikken.


Om man bytter hele kassa, så må man være obs for riktig kasse. Facelift 220cdi har ofte 722.640, som har annen innfesting til converteren og annet converterhus enn eldre 220 f. Eks.




Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk



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Du slipper å ta ned kassa for å bytte plastikken.


Om man bytter hele kassa, så må man være obs for riktig kasse. Facelift 220cdi har ofte 722.640, som har annen innfesting til converteren og annet converterhus enn eldre 220 f. Eks.




Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


Takk for tipset, men er det ikke mer en 175$ jeg trenger å betale for el plata altså? Høres veldig billig ut, koster jo fra 6-8000 her i norge.

Noen "privat" mekanikere her som har lyst på en ekstra jobb?  :o

Hvor mye jobb er det å skifte denne når man først skal skifte olje?


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Det var jo en fantastisk bra gjennomgang, hadde jeg hatt bukk et døgn hadde jeg gjort dette selv, men det tar tid og er mye søl ja, men da koster jo delene nesten ingenting, behøver man også bytte solenoidene?

Har Jetcarrier konto :)

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Var innom verkstedet idag, og har fått litt oversikt på prisene her, og ikke så ille som jeg trodde, elplata med ny kontakt, 2380,- filter 300,-, olje 700, arbeid 1520,-

Lockup solenoiden hadde ikke Autotrio på listen sin, og min mekaniker hadde byttet solenoid 1 gang på 45 år som MB mekaniker, det var en som hadde kortsluttet, så da burde det ikke være noen grunn til å skifte disse.

Min kasse er forøvrig versjon 722.640, og er såvidt jeg skjønte en versjon med masse oppgraderinger fra forrige?

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Da blir det oljeskift og ny elplate imorgen, men får ikke flushet den, men lurer på, dersom jeg bytter olje igjen om 4-5000, vil da gammel olje ha blitt blandet ut med ny hele veien da noe som tilsvarer en flushing, eller er flushing enda mer effektivt hvis man ser bortifra slam ol.l?

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Da blir det oljeskift og ny elplate imorgen, men får ikke flushet den, men lurer på, dersom jeg bytter olje igjen om 4-5000, vil da gammel olje ha blitt blandet ut med ny hele veien da noe som tilsvarer en flushing, eller er flushing enda mer effektivt hvis man ser bortifra slam ol.l?

Flushing/skylling = ny olje på converteren i tillegg til kassen. Flushing med kjemikalier = rens av kassen/converter.
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